Next: B-Movies and The Short Subject Assignment

Monday, November 7 is the First Official Meeting of the groups for the Short Subject Film Assignment. Groups will be assembled at the beginning of the period, group members will trade contact information, choose a genre, and assign production jobs to each group member. Deadlines for a First Draft of the screenplay and a Shot-By-Shot Storyboard will be announced (TBA). Please remember:
You may have students not enrolled in our class act in your film, but you may not have anyone outside the class edit or do any other production work on the film; also DO NOT film ANYONE without their consent; films MUST meet the guidelines (with regard to content) outlined in the assignment description and those given by me in class.

Hope you're enjoying our current crime drama...;-) Did you copy the "9 Elements of Film" from Chapter 10? Yes? Good.

Next Unit: we will be learning about the films known as 'B'-Movies, and a great site to find out more (or if you are a fan of this genre) is
The Astounding B-Monster. As we watch our featured B-Movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, we'll also be analyzing the 9 elements of the film and applying the three values a film can have (these can be found in Chapter 10 of your text), as well as applying the critical 'Three Questions': WHAT is the artist trying to do? HOW WELL has he/she done it? WAS IT WORTH DOING in the first place?


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