Lots of things coming up: Chapter 10, B-Movies, and our Film Project

What's next? A LOT! Let's take a look at what the following week will bring:
Next week, we begin our 'B'-Movie unit with the 1956 sci-fi classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. If you're a fan of this "sub-genre" of film, check out The Astounding B-Monster, a website devoted to these films.
Chapter 10:
As soon as we return from break, we'll be reading Chapter 10 of the text, Understanding the Film. In this chapter will be information about the 9 elements of Film and the 3 Values a Film can have; this is relevant to the new 4th quarter format for your film journals (click here and scroll down to review the new format).
Short Subject Film Project:
On Monday, April 16th, we'll begin work on our Short Subject Film Project (click the link for details). The deadline for your group's storyboard will be April 30, and a draft of the screenplay will be due May 10th. Further instructions to follow!