
Students: while I strongly encourage you to communicate with me via email regarding class work, I need to remind you all that there is a protocol for communicating via the internet, known as "netiquette" (internet + etiquette, aka good manners). While these "rules" of communication are, naturally, relaxed when emailing or chatting with friends, they particularly apply to any situation that involves communicating with a teacher, instructor or professor. A summary of netiquette guideline for high school students can be found here: http://www.atacc.ab.ca/makegoodconnections/, but a few main things to remember are:
--use CORRECT ENGLISH, e.g., avoid substituting "u" for "you", and DO follow punctuation and grammar guidelines
--speak politely and respectfully, as you would with any instructor
--DON'T send emails without a subject
--ALWAYS identify who you are in the email!!


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