Hello! Welcome to Film Appreciation, the class in which we watch films, talk about films, read about films, and even make films. The following is a tutorial in how to get the most out of this site:
Links: At the left, you will see a column of links. These are both links to websites that I encourage you to use most often, such as links to film review sites, as well as links to descriptions of the most important assignments. The only exception is the Journal assignment, required three times per quarter, and the link to that assignment description is listed at the top of the page as "journal format".
Posts: This type of site is known as a weblog, or "blog", which is a site that has regular new entries or 'posts'(like a bulletin board) which contain links to relevant websites; it's like the web has been pre-surfed for you, by me! You can find the links to these sites by looking for words that are a different color than the rest; if you mouse over them, you will see that you can click on the word and you will be taken to another site that is relevant to whatever we happen to be studying in class at the moment. For example: IMDB has lots of useful film information.
It is very important to remember that I add a new post at least once (sometimes twice) a week, so if you are ever absent for any reason the very first thing you should do is go to this site and read the post closest to the top of the page. The posts are listed by post date in reverse chronological order, and if you ever need to read a post that is older than the one at the bottom of the page, you can browse the archives in the links table at the left. Any upcoming assignments are mentioned in the posts, so there is never any reason to be in the dark about what assignments are due or what information you may have missed.
Site Header: You may have noticed that, at the top of the page under the class title, there is a quote. You will notice these quotes will change every couple of days; the reason is that I will always place a quote from whatever film we are currently watching in this space; that way, you always know what film we are watching in case you miss class (or will need to miss class); remember, though, we have a very strict attendance policy and I expect you to attend all classes unless you are ill or have notified me in advance regarding a college visit.
"Contact":(see top of page)I feel it is very important for you to be able to contact me if you ever have a question about any assignment; I will always respond promptly. I do expect students to adhere to good 'netiquette' and use standard written English in all email correspondence, as well as being sure to identify yourself in the subject line of your email. I delete emails from people I don't know, especially those with attachments(as should you)!
I hope this site will aid you in your success in this class, and I look forward to our upcoming study of Film!
Links: At the left, you will see a column of links. These are both links to websites that I encourage you to use most often, such as links to film review sites, as well as links to descriptions of the most important assignments. The only exception is the Journal assignment, required three times per quarter, and the link to that assignment description is listed at the top of the page as "journal format".
Posts: This type of site is known as a weblog, or "blog", which is a site that has regular new entries or 'posts'(like a bulletin board) which contain links to relevant websites; it's like the web has been pre-surfed for you, by me! You can find the links to these sites by looking for words that are a different color than the rest; if you mouse over them, you will see that you can click on the word and you will be taken to another site that is relevant to whatever we happen to be studying in class at the moment. For example: IMDB has lots of useful film information.
It is very important to remember that I add a new post at least once (sometimes twice) a week, so if you are ever absent for any reason the very first thing you should do is go to this site and read the post closest to the top of the page. The posts are listed by post date in reverse chronological order, and if you ever need to read a post that is older than the one at the bottom of the page, you can browse the archives in the links table at the left. Any upcoming assignments are mentioned in the posts, so there is never any reason to be in the dark about what assignments are due or what information you may have missed.
Site Header: You may have noticed that, at the top of the page under the class title, there is a quote. You will notice these quotes will change every couple of days; the reason is that I will always place a quote from whatever film we are currently watching in this space; that way, you always know what film we are watching in case you miss class (or will need to miss class); remember, though, we have a very strict attendance policy and I expect you to attend all classes unless you are ill or have notified me in advance regarding a college visit.
"Contact":(see top of page)I feel it is very important for you to be able to contact me if you ever have a question about any assignment; I will always respond promptly. I do expect students to adhere to good 'netiquette' and use standard written English in all email correspondence, as well as being sure to identify yourself in the subject line of your email. I delete emails from people I don't know, especially those with attachments(as should you)!
I hope this site will aid you in your success in this class, and I look forward to our upcoming study of Film!