First Test: Tuesday, Feb. 12

It's "official", our first Response Question Test will be on Tuesday. REMINDER: Please see me to arrange a makeup if you are ever absent for any of our Response Questions!

Sound and Animation:

Starting this week, our next unit of study will cover the topics of both Sound and Animation, which we will begin next week.
Sound In Film:
Over the next few days, we'll bee learning about a much overlooked but critically vital element of film: sound, which includes dialogue, music and sound effects. Important terms include:
sound effects editor, original score, foley artist and foley stage, and looping, or 'ADR'.

Later on next week, we will begin a new unit on Animation: the basic concepts will include terms such as storyboard, background artist, animator, character animation, computer animation, rotoscoping and claymation. Here is a good history of animation link, as well as an 'authorized' Walt Disney biography; which will help to lead us to our next feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

ANOTHER REMINDER: That big quarter project is due in March, but you should get started on it soon.


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