Foreign Language Films

Bienvenus à Paris! For those of you who aren’t familiar with the French language, that means "Welcome to Paris!" That’s right, folks, the next film we will be studying is called Les Quatre Cents Coups, by François Truffaut. As evident by the title, this is a foreign film. It was released in 1959 in France, and the entire dialogue is French. Over the next couple of days, we will dive head first into the foreign language film industry. Be prepared to bring your knowledge of Hollywood films into the class, for it will be used as a springboard to jump into and compare the foreign films. Don’t be scared, now! For those of you who want a head start, you may want to check out these links here: What is a foreign film? Where can I see foreign films? Why are we watching Les Quatre Cents Coups?

P.S. VERY IMPORTANT DATES HERE!!! Journal # 2 is due this Sunday!!! (That would be March 4th). The trailer assignment is due March 7th, and be prepared for a test on Sound, Animation, Snow White and Les Quatre Cent Coups by March 8th or the 9th.


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