THIS WEEK'S REMINDER: Journals due Friday by Midnight via turnitin, and due by the beginning of Film Class on Friday if you can't submit electronically.
OFFICIAL FIRST QUIZ SCHEDULED: Wednesday, February 25th. Topics from Chapter 1 of the Text: Why is Film the most popular art form? How do films make money? What is the History of the MPAA Ratings System, and what do the ratings mean? Also, know all the vital stats fro Rebel, including any trivia ('day for night', knuckles, chain mail, and eerie coincidences). Next Assignment: Trailer Storyboard.
OFFICIAL FIRST QUIZ SCHEDULED: Wednesday, February 25th. Topics from Chapter 1 of the Text: Why is Film the most popular art form? How do films make money? What is the History of the MPAA Ratings System, and what do the ratings mean? Also, know all the vital stats fro Rebel, including any trivia ('day for night', knuckles, chain mail, and eerie coincidences). Next Assignment: Trailer Storyboard.